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Member Resources

For BSW SeniorCare Advantage and Covenant Advantage Members

Access Your Health Information

With the 24/7 member portal, you can enjoy access to your health plan and health providers within a secure environment that includes the resources you can count on from Baylor Scott & White Health Plan. This is your one-stop shop for most information and questions.

Find a Provider

Quick Links

Health and Wellness Programs

Take advantage of these programs to help you improve the areas of your life that need a boost.

Virtual Care 


Receive care from the comfort of your home, or anywhere in Texas, 24/7. Simply log into or...

Scan the QR code to download the app →

Download the app:

download the my bsw health app

More Information

Link Your MyBSWHealth Account
  1. Go to the MyBSWHealth portal.
  2. Select Baylor Scott & White Health Plan in the dropdown.
  3. Click Verify and Link.
Conduct an eVisit and get care fast
  • Enter answers to a few questions about your symptoms; it takes only 5 to 10 minutes
  • Receive a response from a Baylor Scott & White Health provider within one hour
  • Prescriptions (if needed) will be sent immediately to your preferred pharmacy
Schedule a 24/7 Care Video Visit
  • Schedule your appointment
  • Talk with a Baylor Scott & White Health provider live about your symptoms
  • Visits are quick: Just 10 to 15 minutes
  • Prescriptions (if needed) will be sent immediately to your preferred pharmacy

my bsw health mobile app


Skip the trip to the waiting room. With Teladoc Health, you can talk with a U.S. board-certified provider within an hour by phone or video from wherever you are for non-emergency conditions like the flu, allergies and infections. Teladoc providers can also prescribe medicine if needed.

Teladoc is only available to members on the Live Well Premium and Live Well HDHP plans.

You can also get help for anxiety, negative thoughts and more. Choose a therapist or psychiatrist who fits your needs at a time that works best for you. Private therapists and psychiatrists are available from 7 AM to 9 PM daily.*

*Mental health care is available for members ages 13 and older.

1. Register

To register, be sure to have your member ID card handy and call:

2. Access Care

After registering, access care any of the following ways:

download the app

More Resources

BSW SeniorCare Advantage HMO-POS and PPO plans include a fitness membership with Silver&Fit at no additional cost to members:

  • 8,000+ digital workout videos
  • Home fitness kits
  • Access to one of 16,500+ participating fitness centers
  • Daily workout videos
  • Healthy aging coaching

How-To Video: Get Started Workout Plans

Kidney Health Program

BSW Care Managers can help you with appointments, medications, understanding your kidney care plan and more.

7 AM to 9 PM weekdays
9 AM to 7 PM weekends


Routine transportation benefits for HMO-POS plans

BSW SeniorCare Advantage HMO-POS plans include routine transportation to approved locations such as medical appointments, physical therapy visits, labs, grocery stores and drug stores. To get started, schedule an appointment by contacting Modivcare at 866.428.0212. There is no additional cost for this service. It includes up to 24 one-way trips per year OR 12 round trips up to 50 miles each way.



All plans feature a quarterly allowance from participating retailers to purchase eligible over-the-counter items such as bandages, cold and allergy medicines, pain relievers and more. You will receive a mailing for the OTC Network with a card and instructions for setting up an account to view available items and for making purchases. Participating retailers include: CVS, Discount Drug Mart, Dollar General, Family Dollar, HEB, Rite Aid, Walmart, Walgreens and other independent pharmacy locations.

Note: CVS Pharmacies at Target do not accept OTC Network cards. Unused amounts do not roll over from quarter to quarter or to the next year.


How to ask for a medical coverage or request an appeal for service.

Plan ahead for peace of mind.

Sometimes a serious illness or injury can leave a patient unable to communicate and families have the burden of making difficult decisions without knowing what their loved one really wants. An advance care plan lets you make your medical wishes known ahead of time.

If you have low income and few resources, you may qualify for up to $4,000 in subsidies to apply toward your Medicare payments. Subsidy amounts vary. See if you qualify for Extra Help with these resources.

As a Medicare member, you have the right to:

  • Ask for coverage of a medical service or prescription drug. In some cases, we may allow exceptions for a service or drug that is normally not covered.
  • File an appeal if your request is denied. An appeal is a formal way of asking us to review and change a coverage decision we made.

You can submit your request for medical service coverage or appeal to the following:


Baylor Scott & White Health Plan
1206 W. Campus Drive
Temple, TX 76502




866.334.3141 (TTY: 711)

You can submit a request for Part D drug coverage or redetermination (appeal). Visit Drug Requests - Prior Authorizations, Exceptions and Appeals for more details.

Addressing your concerns and resolving them promptly is important to us, because it's important to you. As a member of Baylor Scott & White Health Plan (BSWHP), you have the right to request an appeal and file a grievance.


An appeal is a request for reconsideration of our determination on a service, supply or drug you have received or requested. You may file an appeal when you believe that the services or supplies should be covered or that they should be covered differently than Baylor Scott & White Health Plan approved or paid them. Your doctor can also request an appeal for you.


A grievance is a complaint that does not involve a coverage determination. For example, grievances may be filed if you are unhappy with the quality of care or service you receive from us or from our Baylor Scott & White Health Plan network providers. You also have the right to file a grievance if you have any type of problem with us or one of our network pharmacies that does not involve coverage for a prescription drug.

We encourage your input and will not discriminate against you, refuse coverage or engage in any other retaliation if you choose to file a complaint or request an appeal of a decision.

Additionally, we're prohibited from retaliating against a physician or provider who has filed a complaint against us on your behalf. You may also refer to your Evidence of Coverage for complaint examples and complete details.

For status or process questions or to obtain an aggregate number of grievances and appeals, please call Customer Service at 866.344.3141. From Oct. 1-March 31, we are open 7 AM to 8 PM daily (closed on major holidays). From April 1-Sept. 30, we are open weekdays, 7 AM to 8 PM (closed on major holidays). Or write:

Baylor Scott & White Health Plan
1206 W. Campus Drive
Temple, TX 76502
Fax: 800.626.3042

You can also submit an appeal and grievance to Medicare:

Voluntary disenrollment

If you are considering disenrollment, please call our Member Advocacy Department at 866.334.3141 (TTY: 711). We want to help you in any way we can. Our Member Advocates can help you resolve problems before you make the final decision to change health plans.

Medicare gives you two ways you can disenroll from a Medicare Advantage plan:

  • Annual Election Period (AEP), Oct. 15-Dec. 7
  • Special Election Period (SEP)

If your situation includes the following, you can enter a Special Enrollment Period:

  • You move outside our service area, or have experienced another change in circumstances — as determined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) — that causes you to no longer be enrolled in a BSW SeniorCare plan
  • You're entitled to Medicare Part A and Part B and receive any type of assistance from the Title XIX (Medicaid) program
  • CMS or the organization has terminated our contract in the area in which you reside, or the organization has notified you of the impending termination or discontinuation of the plan in the area you reside
  • You demonstrate that we have substantially violated a material provision of our contract with CMS in relation to you, or we (or an agent) materially misrepresented the plan when marketing our plans
  • You weren't adequately informed of the creditable status of drug coverage provided by an entity required to give such notice, or a loss of creditable coverage. CMS determines eligibility for this on a case by case basis
  • Your enrollment or non-enrollment is erroneous due to an action, inaction or error by a federal employee
  • You meet such other exceptional conditions as CMS may provide

Ways to disenroll during AEP, MADP or valid Special Enrollment Period:

  • Call us at 866.334.3141 (TTY: 711)
  • Call 800.MEDICARE
  • Deliver, mail or fax a signed and dated written notice to the plan
  • Enroll in another plan during a valid enrollment period, which will prompt disenrollment in your current plan. Use your current plan until disenrollment is effective

Involuntary disenrollment

We may disenroll you if:

  • Premiums are not paid on a timely basis
  • You engage in disruptive behavior
  • You provide fraudulent information on an enrollment request
  • You permit abuse of an enrollment card

If we choose to terminate your coverage for any of these reasons, we'll send you notice of the upcoming disenrollment. This notice will:

  • Advise you we plan to disenroll you, and why such action is occurring
  • Provide the effective date of termination
  • Include an explanation of your right to a hearing under our grievance procedures

Required involuntary disenrollment

We are required to disenroll you if:

  • A permanent change in residence makes you ineligible to be an enrollee of our advantage plans
  • You lose entitlement to Medicare
  • We are notified of your passing
  • Our contract is terminated, or we discontinue offering a Prescription Drug Plan in the area where it had previously been available*
  • You materially misrepresent information to us regarding reimbursement for third-party coverage

*Authorized by law to refuse to renew its contract with CMS. In addition, CMS also may refuse to renew the contract, and that termination or non-renewal may result in termination of your enrollment.

Pharmacy and Drugs

2025 Resources

The Pharmacy Search Tool can be used to locate additional in-network pharmacies.

Formulary Search Tools


The Pharmacy Directories are for Central, North and West Texas. There are more pharmacies where your prescriptions may be covered by our Plan.

*Updated 3/1/25

2024 Resources

What is the Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Program?

It's a program for Medicare Part D members to learn more about their medicines. This helps ensure safe use of medications.

Who is eligible?

If you have Medicare Part D coverage with Baylor Scott & White Health Plan, you must meet ONE of the following criteria to be eligible for MTM Services:

  1. Meet ALL of the following criteria:
    A. Have at least 3 of the chronic diseases listed below.
    • Alzheimer's Disease
    • Bone disease-arthritis (including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
    • Chronic congestive heart failure (CHF)
    • Diabetes
    • Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)
    • End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
    • Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
    • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
    • Mental Health (including depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other chronic/disabling mental health conditions)
    • Respiratory Disease (including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic lung diseases)
    B. Take at least 8 chronic / maintenance medications covered by your Medicare Part D plan.
    C. Be likely to spend a certain amount on Part D covered drugs each year. For 2025, you must be likely to spend $1,623.

    - OR -
  2. Are an at-risk beneficiary (ARB) in a Drug Management Program (DMP)

Is there a fee for MTM services?

There is no fee for MTM services if you meet the above criteria.

Who provides the MTM services?

A company called Clarest Health provides the MTM services. Clarest Health has specially trained MTM providers.

What types of MTM services are offered?

  1. A Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR) once per year
    • A CMR can help you learn more about your medications. This includes over the counter (OTC) products and supplements.
    • During a CMR, a qualified MTM provider talks with you and reviews your medications. The MTM provider works with you to create a plan to address any medication problems.
    • After a CMR, you will be provided a written summary. That summary will be delivered by mail and will include the following materials:
      • Cover Letter (CL)
      • Recommended To-Do List (TDL)
      • Personal Medication List (PML)
    • Where are CMR visits conducted?
      • Over the phone
    • How long is a CMR visit?
      • The time required to conduct a CMR depends on many factors. Typically, a CMR takes less than 15 min.
  2. Targeted Medication Reviews (TMR) every 3 months
    • These reviews help to ensure safe use of medications. These reviews may focus on one drug or many drugs.
    • Your medications will be reviewed to see if you may be taking the targeted medication(s). If a medication problem is found during the review, your doctor will be notified. Often, this is in the form of a letter

How do patients enroll?

MTM services are not a benefit for all Part D members, but are offered for free to members who qualify for the plan's MTM program.

Once you are eligible for the MTM program, you are automatically enrolled.

You will be sent a welcome letter inviting you to take part in a CMR. The letter will describe the MTM program and describe how to schedule a CMR. You may also get a phone call inviting you to schedule a CMR.

You may disenroll from the MTM program at any time. You may also refuse certain services and still stay enrolled in the MTM program. For example, you can refuse to schedule a CMR but stay in the MTM program. In this case, your medications would still be screened during the TMRs.

More information

To learn more about the MTM program or to see if you are eligible for the program, call Clarest Health at 855.428.5738 8 AM to 5 PM CST.

If you do not have questions about the MTM program but have questions regarding your Medicare benefit, contact BSWHP at 866.334.3141 7 AM to 8 PM CST daily from Oct. 1 through March 31 (excluding major holidays) and on weekdays from April 1 through Sept. 30 (excluding major holidays). TTY/TDD users should call 711.

Personal Medication List

It is important to keep a list of your medications. Feel free to print and use the medication list templates below. If you take OTC medications or supplements, include these on your list too. Be sure to share your medication list with each of your healthcare providers.

What is Quality Assurance?

This is a sign of our dedication to providing quality healthcare. Quality assurance includes measures and systems to reduce medication errors and adverse drug interactions and improve medication use.

Examples of quality assurance processes in relation to Medicare Part D may include the following:

Concurrent Drug Utilization Review

This occurs when a prescription is being filled at the pharmacy. Your prescriptions are reviewed for safety issues that may address the following:

  • Possible medication errors
  • Drug dosage and therapy duration errors
  • Duplicate drugs that are unnecessary because you are taking another to treat the same medical condition
  • Drug allergies
  • Possible harmful interactions between the drugs you are taking
  • Drugs that are not appropriate for your age or gender

Retrospective Drug Utilization Review

This occurs after a prescription is filled. This process reviews members' drug histories and identifies opportunities to improve the quality of care by identifying patterns of inappropriate or medically unnecessary therapy.

What Is Drug Utilization Management?

Drug utilization management programs are designed to improve quality and reduce costs when medically appropriate. The program includes systems to assist in preventing overuse and underuse of prescribed medications.

Examples of utilization management in relation to Medicare Part D may include the following:

Prior Authorizations & Exceptions

We require you to get prior authorization for certain drugs on formulary. This means you will need to get approval before you fill prescriptions for these drugs. If you do not get approval, the drug may not be covered by your plan. Additionally, to request coverage for a drug not listed on formulary, an exception request can be submitted.

Information about how to submit a request for prescription drug coverage or request an appeal.

Quantity Limits

For certain drugs, there are limits to the amount of the drug that we will cover. For example, we provide up to a certain number of tablets per prescription for a certain drug.

Step Therapy

In some cases, we require you to first try certain drugs to treat your medical condition before we will cover another drug for that condition. For example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat your medical condition, Baylor Scott & White Health Plan may not cover Drug B unless you try Drug A first. If Drug A does not work for you, Baylor Scott & White Health Plan will then cover Drug B.

Use of Generic Drugs

We cover both name brand and generic drugs. A generic drug has the same active ingredient as the name brand drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than name brand drugs and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

As a new or continuing member, you might be taking drugs that are not on our formulary or taking a drug that requires you to meet certain requirements, like preauthorization, step therapy or quantity limits.

If you're in the first 90 days of coverage for this plan year, we'll cover a temporary 30-day supply of your drug at any in-network pharmacy to give you time for you and your doctor to plan your future treatment. If you're at a long-term care facility, we will cover a temporary 31-day supply of your drug at any in-network pharmacy.

Talk to your doctor about whether you should switch to a drug on our formulary or request an exception to see if we can cover the drug you're taking. You can view our full Medicare Part D Transition Policy to learn more. If you need assistance requesting an exception or have questions about the transition process, contact us.

Premium Payment Options

Pay by Mail

Pay your premium by mail with a personal check, cashier's check or money order.
  • Make the check/money order payable to Baylor Scott & White Health Plan.
  • Include your Member ID on your payment.
  • Include the payment coupon that was attached to your bill.
  • Send your payment at least 5 business days before the due date to ensure timely posting.
  • Mail your payment to the address on your bill:

BSW SeniorCare Advantage HMO-POS

Baylor Scott & White Health Plan
P.O. Box 847473
Dallas, TX 75284-7473

BSW SeniorCare Advantage PPO

Baylor Scott & White Health Plan
P.O. Box 846035
Dallas, TX 75284-6035

Covenant Advantage HMO

Covenant MA Careplan
P.O. Box 843440
Dallas, TX 75284-3440

Pay Over the Phone

With your checking, savings or credit card account, you can initiate a payment over the phone.

What you'll need to have ready
  • Your member account number, which is printed on both your Member ID card and at the top right of your most recent billing statement.
  • Your bank account and routing number, or your credit card, because you will be prompted to enter the payment details.

BSW SeniorCare Advantage HMO-POS

BSW SeniorCare Advantage PPO

Covenant Advantage HMO

Set Up Automatic Payments

After you pay your initial premium, you can set up subsequent payments to draft automatically from your bank account by completing and submitting this form:

MetLife Dental Benefits

Your MetLife dental benefits start here

Dental coverage is provided by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, New York (MetLife).

  Central Texas HMO-POS Select Central Texas HMO-POS Preferred Central Texas HMO-POS Premium Central Texas HMO-POS Select Rx Assist Central Texas PPO Basic Central Texas PPO Platinum
Monthly Premium Included Included Included Included Included Included
Yearly Benefit Maximum
Plans w/ Part D prescription drugs (Rx) $3,500 $3,000 $3,500 $3,000 $3,500 $3,000
Plans w/o Part D prescription drugs $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Not available Not available Not available
Deductible $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Oral Exams
(every 6 months)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
(every 6 months)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Dental X-rays $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Extractions 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
(One filling per surface, per tooth every 24 months.)
50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
(every 5 years)
50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
Restorative Services 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
Plan Summary
  North Texas HMO-POS Select North Texas HMO-POS Select Rx North Texas HMO-POS Select Rx Assist North Texas PPO
Monthly Premium Included Included Included Included
Yearly Benefit Maximum $3,000 $3,500 $3,000 $3,500
Deductible $0 $0 $0 $0
Oral Exams
(every 6 months)
$0 $0 $0 $0
(every 6 months)
$0 $0 $0 $0
Dental X-rays $0 $0 $0 $0
Extractions 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
(One filling per surface, per tooth every 24 months)
50% coinsurance 0-50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 0-50% coinsurance
(every 5 years)
50% coinsurance $0 copay 50% coinsurance $0 copay
Restorative Services 50% coinsurance 0-50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 0-50% coinsurance
Plan Summary
  West Texas BSW SeniorCare Advantage PPO West Texas Covenant Advantage HMO West Texas Covenant Advantage HMO Rx
Monthly Premium Included Included Included
Yearly Benefit Maximum $3,500 $2,500 $3,000
Deductible $0 $0 $0
Oral Exams
(one every 6 months)
$0 $0 $0
(one every 6 months)
$0 $0 $0
Dental X-rays $0 $0 $0
Extractions 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
(One filling per surface, per tooth every 24 months)
0-50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
(every 5 years)
$0 copay 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
Restorative Services 0-50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance 50% coinsurance
Plan Summary

Covenant Health Advantage Dental Plans

Dental Benefits Central Texas HMO-POS Plans Central Texas PPO Basic Plan Central Texas PPO Platinum Plan North Texas HMO-POS Select Plan North Texas HMO-POS Select Rx & Select Rx Assist Plans North Texas PPO Plan
Monthly Premium Included Included Included Included Included Included
Yearly Benefit Maximum $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500
Deductible $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Oral Exams
(every 6 months)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cleanings $0
(every 6 months)
(3x per year)
(every 6 months)
(every 6 months)
(3x per year)
(3x per year)
Dental X-rays
(One full mouth X-ray every 60 months. One bite-wing X-ray every 12 months.)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Extractions $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
(One filling every 24 months covered at 100%. 50% coinsurance for additional fillings.)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
(every 5 years)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Restorative Services 0%-50% 0%-50% 0%-50% 0%-50% 0%-50% 0%-50%
Plan Summary

Looking for dental providers in your area? We can help.

MetLife's Preferred Dentist Program is a dental PPO plan that gives you more choices. You can visit any licensed dentist — in or out of the MetLife PDP Plus network — and receive benefits.

Get information about your account

Log into the MetLife MyBenefits portal to verify your eligibility, find your summary of benefits, check claims status and more. Or call 855.676.9337 and speak with a MetLife customer service agent to get the answers you need.

View your Evidence of Coverage (EOC)

These booklets, accessible from your MetLife MyBenefits portal or by logging into the Member Portal, give you the details about your MetLife dental coverage from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.

Looking for dental providers in your area? We can help.

MetLife's Preferred Dentist Program is a dental PPO plan that gives you more choices. You can visit any licensed dentist — in or out of the MetLife PDP Plus network — and receive benefits.

Get information about your account

Log into the MetLife MyBenefits portal to verify your eligibility, find your summary of benefits, check claims status and more. Or call 855.676.9337 and speak with a MetLife customer service agent to get the answers you need.

View your Evidence of Coverage (EOC)

These booklets, accessible from your MetLife MyBenefits portal or by logging into the Member Portal, give you the details about your MetLife dental coverage from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.

Texas-Sized Customer Service

Have questions, or want a little extra assistance? Give us a call at 866.334.3141 (TTY: 711)

Oct. 1-March 31: 7 AM to 8 PM daily (closed major holidays)
April 1-Sept. 30: 7 AM to 8 PM weekdays (closed major holidays)

Baylor Scott & White Health Plan
1206 W. Campus Drive
Temple, TX 76502

customer service

Marketing Complaints

We take marketing misrepresentation allegations seriously and encourage you to contact us to report marketing complaints or concerns. So that we may complete an effective investigation, please provide the name of your sales agent or broker when submitting a complaint. You may also file a complaint with CMS at 800.MEDICARE.

Baylor Scott & White Health Plan offers BSW SeniorCare Advantage HMO-POS plans as a Medicare Advantage (MA) organization through a contract with Medicare. Baylor Scott & White Care Plan offers Covenant Health Advantage HMO plans as an MA organization through a contract with Medicare. Baylor Scott & White Insurance Company offers BSW SeniorCare Advantage PPO plans as an MA organization through a contract with Medicare. Enrollment in one of these plans depends on the health plan's contract renewal with Medicare.

Y0058_BSWHPWEBSITE2025_C CMS 1/1/2025 | Last updated: 1/1/25

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