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In-network provider search

Step 1: Choose the tab below for your member type

(Medicare Advantage, Individual & Family or Employer Group)

Step 2: Select your network from the list

If you don't know your network, you'll find it on the front of your member ID card.

BSW Health Plan Networks Plan Types
BSW SeniorCare Advantage HMO BSW SeniorCare Advantage HMO
BSW SeniorCare Advantage PPO BSW SeniorCare Advantage PPO
BSW Health Plan Networks Plan Types
Covenant Health Advantage HMO Covenant Health Advantage HMO
BSW Health Plan Networks Plan Types
BSW Plus HMO Individual/Family Plans
BSW Plus PPO Individual/Family Plans
BSW Health Plan Networks Plan Types
BSW Premier HMO - Individual Marketplace Individual/Family Plans on Marketplace
BSW Health Plan Networks Plan Types
BSW Access PPO Small Group, Large Group
BSWH Employees Network Premium (PPO & HDHP) BSWH Employees
BSWH Employees Network (SEQA & EQA) BSWH Employees
BSW Plus HMO Small Group, Large Group
BSW Plus PPO Small Group, Large Group
BSW Premier HMO Small Group (including ACA), Large Group, TRS ActiveCare Plans
BSW Health Plan Networks Plan Types
BSW Premier PPO Small Group, Large Group
BSW Solutions PPO Large Group
Cigna PPO Network - Out of Area Member Plan Large Group
McLane Group Network McLane Group Network
PHCS/Capital RX-PPO Network-Out of Area Member Plan Small Group, Large Group

Questions about which network you have?

Call our Customer Service team at the number on the back of your ID card.

Baylor Scott & White Health Plan (BSWHP) provider networks are select groups of doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and other healthcare professionals who provide you with a full range of covered healthcare services.

NOTE: Our online provider directories are best viewed using the current versions of Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. If you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer™ (IE) or an older version of the browsers mentioned here, you may not be able to access the site's optimal functionality.

Virtual Care 


Receive care from the comfort of your home, or anywhere in Texas, 24/7. Simply log into or...

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More Information

Link Your MyBSWHealth Account
  1. Go to the .
  2. Select Baylor Scott & White Health Plan in the dropdown.
  3. Click Verify and Link.
Conduct an eVisit and get care fast
  • Enter answers to a few questions about your symptoms; it takes only 5 to 10 minutes
  • Receive a response from a Baylor Scott & White Health provider within one hour
  • Prescriptions (if needed) will be sent immediately to your preferred pharmacy
Schedule a 24/7 Care Video Visit
  • Schedule your appointment
  • Talk with a Baylor Scott & White Health provider live about your symptoms
  • Visits are quick: Just 10 to 15 minutes
  • Prescriptions (if needed) will be sent immediately to your preferred pharmacy

my bsw health mobile app


Skip the trip to the waiting room. With Teladoc Health, you can talk with a U.S. board-certified provider within an hour by phone or video from wherever you are for non-emergency conditions like the flu, allergies and infections. Teladoc providers can also prescribe medicine if needed.

Teladoc is only available to members on the Live Well Premium and Live Well HDHP plans.

You can also get help for anxiety, negative thoughts and more. Choose a therapist or psychiatrist who fits your needs at a time that works best for you. Private therapists and psychiatrists are available from 7 AM to 9 PM daily.*

*Mental health care is available for members ages 13 and older.

1. Register

To register, be sure to have your member ID card handy and call:

2. Access Care

After registering, access care any of the following ways:

download the app
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