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Advance Care Planning

Plan ahead for peace of mind

Make your medical wishes known with an advance care plan.

We want our members to be prepared for anything—especially the unexpected. Sometimes a serious illness or injury can leave a patient unable to communicate, and families have the burden of making difficult decisions without knowing what their loved one really wants.

An advance care plan lets you make your medical wishes known ahead of time. Baylor Scott & White Health Plan encourages members to create their plan through an online program called MyDirectives or through printing and completing paper forms. Whichever method you choose, both options are free and can help bring peace of mind to you, your family and caregivers.

Create a Digital Advance Care Plan Through MyDirectives

What is MyDirectives?

MyDirectives is an online platform that allows patients to document their medical wishes digitally. Patients can select preferences for treatment if they become terminally or irreversibly ill and unable to communicate, such as whether to remain on machines or other life support, who the patient's primary decision-maker should be and more.

How does it work?

  1. Create a MyDirectives account.
  2. Answer questions about your health priorities, the types of treatment you would prefer and more.
  3. You may also upload any paper-based advance care planning documents and even record and upload a video message to your family and physicians if you wish.

Once you complete and sign your MyDirectives document, it becomes part of your medical record and can be easily accessed by physicians, nurses and family members if you have a serious illness or injury. You can make changes to your plan at any time.

Create a Paper Advance Care Plan

If you prefer to work with paper-based documents, you may download any of the forms linked below, available in both English and Spanish. After completing the forms, you may either upload them yourself via the or bring them to your physician's office to be scanned and uploaded there.

Tip: Choose the forms that best suit your needs — it is not mandatory to fill out every document. However, the most preferred document to complete is the Living Will, which has the best track record of ensuring patients' wishes are followed.

Living Will - Texas Directive to Physicians, Families or Surrogates

The best and most preferred way to ensure your wishes are followed. Select whether to withhold or continue treatments, designate your medical decision-makers (if you do not have a Medical Power of Attorney) and outline any additional requests.

Simplified Advance Care Planning Guide and Living Will

This document gives a quick overview of advance care planning and also includes an easy-to-fill-out Living Will form.

Medical Power of Attorney

Designate a trusted adult to be your medical decision-maker in the event that you cannot speak for yourself. If you do not complete a Medical Power of Attorney form, Texas law will appoint a family member for you.

Out-of-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Form

Fill out this form if you choose to forgo resuscitation and prefer a natural death, with peace and dignity.

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