{ "reporting_entity_name" : "HealthPlanName", "reporting_entity_type" : "HealthPlanType", "last_updated_on" : "2025-02-13", "version" : "1.0.0", "out_of_network" : [ { "name" : "MENTAL HEALTH PARTIAL HOSP TX < 24 HOURS", "billing_code_type" : "HCPCS", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "H0035", "description" : "Mental health partial hospitalization, treatment, less than 24 hours", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "99-0478513" }, "billing_class" : "institutional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 200.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 1200.00, "npi" : [ 1730959818 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "92526", "description" : "Treatment of swallowing dysfunction and/or oral function for feeding", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "74-2983365" }, "service_code" : [ "11" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 82.34, "billing_code_modifier" : [ "U5", "GN" ], "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 150.00, "npi" : [ 1396484879 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "Adaptive behavior treatment by pro", "billing_code_type" : "CPT", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "97153", "description" : "Adaptive behavior treatment by protocol, administered by technician under the direction of a physician or other qualified health care professional, face-to-face with one patient, each 15 minutes", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "83-2362018" }, "service_code" : [ "11" ], "billing_class" : "professional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 375.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 1132.50, "npi" : [ 1326501396 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 400.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 1208.00, "npi" : [ 1326501396 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 25.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 75.50, "npi" : [ 1326501396 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 225.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 679.50, "npi" : [ 1326501396 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 387.50, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 1170.25, "npi" : [ 1326501396 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 350.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 1057.00, "npi" : [ 1326501396 ] } ] }, { "allowed_amount" : 200.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 604.00, "npi" : [ 1326501396 ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "name" : "PARTIAL HOSITALIZATION SERVICES < 24 HR PER DIEM", "billing_code_type" : "HCPCS", "billing_code_type_version" : "2023", "billing_code" : "S0201", "description" : "Partial hospitalization services, less than 24 hours, per diem", "allowed_amounts" : [ { "tin" : { "type" : "ein", "value" : "47-2722964" }, "billing_class" : "institutional", "payments" : [ { "allowed_amount" : 200.00, "providers" : [ { "billed_charge" : 1600.00, "npi" : [ 1568816932 ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }